Aquí la tenéis. Sharapova, bella entre las bellas, ex-número 1 del mundo, actualmente en el Top 10. Anoche perdió, fundamentalmente por sus problemas de concentración. Pero hubo momentos, cuando lograba concentrarse, en que parecía que iba a romper la pelota. La falta de luz natural me obligó a subir el ISO a 3200, y la foto está sacada con un zoom 80-200 y un convertidor x1.7, apertura f/5.6 y 1/400 de velocidad de obturación.
Here you have here. Sharapova, beauty amongst beauties, ex-World number 1, currently Top 10. Last evening she lost her match, basically due to her concentration problems. But there were moments, when she was able to concentrate, that it looked like she was going to break the ball. Lack of natural light made me use 3200 ISO, and the picture was taken with an 80-200 zoom and a x1.7 teleconverter, f/5.6 and shutter speeed of 1/400.